My Winter Break: A Photo Essay
After taking 2,500 pictures in four months - around 20 a day - I decided my camera needed a rest, so I've only taken a few during my long pleasant winter break. Here are some of the highlights:
A groggy Dad, Christmas morning.

An amazingly cheerful and chipper Mom, opening a small mug I purchased in Geneva.

Daniel and I combined forces to get this monster truck for Sean. Of course, Dad had to inspect it first...

Dad's favorite present? A furry balaclava, probably because no one could pronounce it and it made him look like Emperor Palpatine...

...or an Abu Ghraib prisoner.

I told Dan it was a mistake to get Sean a blowgun. A mistake rectified only by purchasing two for ourselves. The ensuing carnage is too shocking to be displayed.

A winter wonderland right outside our front door. Everyone enjoyed the Christmas snow, even if didn't arrive until the afternoon.

The sleekest and swiftest transportation in the Midwest. The blue snow saucer, I mean.

An evening at Applebees with fellow HCS alumni, mostly youngsters merely in their second year of college.

The Colts preparing to crush the Cardinals.

Margaret and I went to a rave...

...where we learned how to use glowsticks.

I might snap a few more pictures before I leave, but those sum up the break fairly well: home, family, Purple Bubble, Colts, friends. I love Indiana.
Besides having to say goodbye again to everything comfortable and familiar, another downside of the next semester: I dread returning to the tight confines of my tiny dorm room... I don't think our Christmas tree would even have fit in it. And the shower? Oh no... I've been so spoiled by being able to move more than one limb at a time. I need to go into shower detox to prepare me for the coming shock.
love the pictures..especially Dad!! I want to see your NEW haircut though!!! Have you planned any trips once you return to school???
Aunt Mary xoxo
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