A Year in Grenoble

I'm a junior at Arizona State and majoring in French and Political Science. I'm spending my third year abroad, in Grenoble, France. You can read about the city here. This site will chronicle my adventures...

Friday, March 24, 2006

Ireland, Jack Johnson and Blockades

I ended up going to Ireland and having one of the best weeks of my life. Amazing how that works out. I was still undecided until the very last minute and remember secretly hoping that the demonstrators occupying the train station would storm the tracks and prevent my train to Geneva from leaving. Alas, they stopped short of the police and just yelled things, so I took the train and I took the flight and... it was awesome.

Tuesday night, Stephanie told Rachel and I that there would be a Jack Johnson concert in Zurich... Wednesday night. We decided to go, despite not having tickets or knowing anything about the city, including where we would sleep. Funnily, that ended up working, too.

The university blockades continue. There's a high-level government meeting this afternoon and much of what'll happen in the future weeks hinges upon its outcome. Nobody knows what will happen and nobody wants the semester to be extended into May or June, but that's apparently one of the options being considered.

I have pictures to post from all three of the above events, along with ones from the snowshoe weekend and Vienna, the last destination on our big tour a few weeks ago. I'll try to put them up as soon as I can!


At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brillant!!!! I enjoy this blog so very much! think my favorite pic is of the Rich American! Kinda reminds me of my nephew!!!! Its a bummer that your school is on strike..but what a fantastic adventure youre having! xoxo
Aunt Mary


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