A Year in Grenoble

I'm a junior at Arizona State and majoring in French and Political Science. I'm spending my third year abroad, in Grenoble, France. You can read about the city here. This site will chronicle my adventures...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Let me sum up an entire year...

...in one photo: from left to right, French Sebastian, Colombian Camilla, English Rachel, Mexican Gabriela, Swedish Isabelle, American me! and Tunisian Tarek.


At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Zach,

I'm a french student who studied for a full 3 years in Grenoble, so I quite well know what you are talking about in this blog! It all sounds so damn familiar! let me tell you its an excellent blog, cause it captures so well what I went through there myself -the culture conflicts apart. I was at the business school (GEM), and one year I was in an international program (MIB), a melting pot of different nationalities, guys and girls older than I was, amazing American teachers, it was that cool. So I should think you'll maintain quite good memories of your stay, despite the hardships and hazards(I've read till the part you're harassed by the police and security gards).
Keep on bloggin', you're writing this for random readers, but as well for yourself, what a way in which to keep track of everything you've been thru as a student! Bravo, bon courage.

At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic Photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xoxox Aunt Mary

At 7:34 PM, Blogger zach said...

Salut! Thanks for the positive comments! Have you finished your studies, or are you pursuing another degree?


At 2:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm in Bangladesh right now, working at the French embassy's economic department - just graduated, but already one big job...abroad. A dream come true. Bon vent in Grenoble,


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