Prague just keeps getting better
I loved the Prague streets. Here's the first of three streets. I'm standing in the same place for each photo.

View two...

...and view three.

Back on the Charles Bridge with Rachel and Lina!

A six-man band playing catchy folk music on the Charles Bridge. They had a large audience. I think the fellow on the far right is Castro in disguise.


More fantastic Prague architecture.

We climbed to the top of the hill and were granted a sweeping view of the city - it was impressive, but would've been spectacular without the fog.

(I'm not vain, I just remembered Mom's maxim - "get pictures of yourself; otherwise they're just fancy buildings!")

A nice English woman took this great photo of us, from left to right: Lina, Isabelle, me, Rachel and Jeff.

At the castle Jeff and Rachel were fascinated with the palace guard. The poor fellow was shaking and trembling and I think they helped cheer him up, even though the rest of us were worried they'd get bayoneted.

I wish I could've seen the St Vitus Cathedral (I think that's the name) at day, but it was also superb at night.

I turned on my mega-flash and illuminated the entire facade, but then had to run away from an angry monk. (Not true.)

On our way down, we paused to capture the beautiful nightscape. I had to climb an eight-foot wall and used my camera's self-timer function to get this relatively clear picture.

The Castle at night.

We ate at an excellent Indian restaurant (much to my pleasant surprise... I had been very skeptical.) and after dinner, our waiter brought this little bronze car to our table, with the top hatch and hood closed. Curious, we opened it up and found toothpicks, aniseed (?) and sugar - all the ingredients to clean and freshen your teeth!

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